Annual Meeting ACC, prorogata al 4/9 la deadline per la sottomissione degli abstracts

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CraNE Joint Action, the newest European project in the field of cancer

The CraNE Joint Action-JA, (complete project name: Network of Comprehensive Cancer Centres-Preparatory activities on creation of National Comprehensive Cancer Centres and EU Networking) was proposed for funding in response to the Flagship Number 5 of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, which defines that the European Commission will establish by 2025, an EU Network linking recognised National Comprehensive Cancer Centres (CCCs) in every Member State (MS). The Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan aims to ensure that 90% of eligible patients have access to such centres by 2030.

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«PON perfezionabile dopo un confronto della comunità medico-scientifica»

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Annual Meeting ACC 2023, perchè partecipare è importante

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Carcinoma del polmone, congresso nazionale a Verona il 9 ottobre 2023

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Novità nel carcinoma mammario metastatico, convegno il 13 ottobre a Roma

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HBD è già operativo, plenaria di aggiornamento al Politecnico di Milano

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Il Ministro Schillaci conferma alla presidenza di ACC il prof. Ruggero De Maria

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Annual Meeting ACC 2023, via alle iscrizioni e alla sottomissione degli abstract

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Lotta al tumore in Europa, determinante il coinvolgimento di pazienti e cittadini

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