
The Association is comprised of Founders, Ordinary Members and Affiliate Members and is governed by:

  • President
  • The Vice Presidents
  • Board of Directors
  • Executive Committee
  • General Manager
  • Assembly of Members
  • Scientific Coordinator
  • Board of Auditors


The President | He is appointed every 5 years by the Ministry of Health among high-profile scientific figures proposed by the Board of Directors. He represents the Association in all Institutional and Scientific fields and also carries out activities of connection and general coordination of all the activities of the Association, with particular regard to the relations and guidelines set by the Minister of Health, also performing a role aimed at the best functionality and efficiency of the Association itself. The position is currently held by Professor Ruggero de Maria.

The Vice Presidents | They assist the President in developing the strategic and directional lines of the Association in adherence to the associative purposes, proposing them to the Assembly at the beginning of the mandate.

The Board of Directors | It is composed of the President, the Vice President or the Vice Presidents, the Scientific Coordinator, the Scientific Directors of the associated IRCCS, the representatives of the Public Research Bodies associated with the Network and a councilor appointed by the Assembly among the representatives of the Associations of oncological patients. The representatives of the Affiliates can be invited to participate in the Board of Directors, but without the right to vote. The non-monothematic oncological IRCCS are given the possibility to designate as councilor their own representative different from the Scientific Director. The Board of Directors is the body responsible for implementing the strategic lines of the Association with specific tasks of planning, management and control.

The Executive Committee | It is the management body of the Association, in charge of implementing the resolutions of the Board of Directors, also collaborating with the same. It is composed of the President, who presides over it, the Scientific Coordinator, the Vice President or the two Vice Presidents and the General Manager. The Executive Committee can take, in case of urgency, the decisions of competence of the Board of Directors, with the exception of the matters referred to in art. 11.2, letters d), e) and f), of the Statute, submitting them for ratification to the same at the first subsequent session.

The General Manager | The powers of administrative and accounting management of the Association not expressly reserved by this Statute to other bodies are exercised by the General Manager, appointed by the Assembly, on the indication of the President, among subjects external to the associates. The General Manager remains in office for the duration of the mandate of the President and his mandate is renewable. The current GM of Alliance Against Cancer is Dr. Paolo De Paoli.

Scientific Coordinator | He is appointed on the proposal of the President by the Board of Directors and is identified among the most qualified scientific personalities present within the IRCCS of the Network. The assignment of the Scientific Coordinator has a duration equal to the duration of the assignment of the President in office at the time of his appointment and expires with the same. The CS of the Network is Prof. Piergiuseppe Pelicci

The Assembly of Associates | All associates participate in it with the right to vote. It is competent to: a) approve the strategic and directional lines of the Association in adherence to the associative purposes, on the proposal of the President at the beginning of his mandate; b) approve the budget and the final balance sheet; c) appoint the Board of Auditors; d) deliberate on the amendments to the Statute; e) buy, sell, exchange real estate and limited real rights on them; f) deliberate on the transformation or dissolution of the Association – except as provided by art.18.3 – determining in that case the methods of liquidation and devolution of the associative assets; g) deliberate the participation in other Entities, Companies, associations or foundations; h) deliberate on any other topic submitted to it by the Board of Directors or the General Manager. The Legal Representatives of the associates or their delegates participate in the Assembly, with the right to vote. The representatives of the Affiliates can participate in the Assembly, but without the right to vote.

The Board of Auditors | It is composed of three effective members and two substitutes, elected by the Assembly, which appoints the President and sets the remuneration.

«Science has a wealth of knowledge and technology that has not yet been transferred into patient care. My commitment is to make sure that our network brings innovation to clinical oncology practice so that patients with advanced cancers can look to the future with more confidence».


Prof. Ruggero De Maria

Director of the Institute of General Pathology of the Catholic University of Rome and President of HuGef, the Biomedical Research Foundation of the region Compagnia of San Paolo.