Standardize the provision of care and resources among the countries of the European Union

  • Financial Contribution:

    ~ 10 Millions €

    Granted by the European Commission

  • Duration:

    36 months

    Start: 1st May 2023


CCI4EU addresses a Horizon Europe call within the Mission on Cancer. Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures (CCI), defined as infrastructures including both Comprehensive Cancer Centers and Comprehensive Cancer Care Networks, are the core to deliver quality care and provide resources to improve and integrate care, research and education. The level of “CCI maturity” in Member States is widely different, and some countries lack CCIs completely.

CCI4EU aims at implementing a capacity building programme (CBP) that will help reduce inequalities, in the context of other ongoing actions, such as CRANE, JANE and UNCAN. The action will develop a CCI Maturity Model including quality indicators; profile the CCIs in each MS in terms of presence and maturity levels; design tailored CBP interventions, giving priority to MSs without any CCI; deliver online training courses, implement targeted onsite interventions; scale up and sustain development; disseminate, exploit and report results.

Together with Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milan, ACC is co-leader of the workpackage focused on evaluation of CBP interventions, with the aim of producing recommendations to scale up and ensure sustainability to develop and grow CCIs in different contexts.

Project coordinator

Giovanni Apolone

Project coordinator is Giovanni Apolone (INT IRCCS Milan)