Facilitate the establishment of the European network of Comprehensive Cancer Centers

  • Financial Contribution:

    ~ 3,7 Millions €

    Granted by the European Commission

  • Duration:

    24 months

    Start: 1st October 2022


Building on two previous Joint Actions, CanCon JA and iPAAC JA, CraNE JA contributes to the implementation of flagship 5 of the European Beating Cancer Plan, which seeks to establish by 2025 an EU Network of National Comprehensive Cancer Centres (CCCs). The overall objective of flagship 5 is to ensure the quality of diagnosis, treatment and cancer research across the EU and to ensure that 90% of eligible patients have access to these centres by 2030.

CraNE JA supports the implementation of Flagship number 5 by preparing the necessary preconditions to develop and improve quality standards of CCCs in the EU, as well as by fostering the collaboration among these centres through the creation of an EU Network of CCCs.

The establishment of the EU Network of CCCs has three main objectives: 1. To improve cancer care and reduce disparities in terms of diagnosis, treatment and care as well as access to clinical trials across the EU. 2. To increase the quality of translational, clinical and research outcomes. 3. To foster synergies between clinical care and research, as well as to evaluate the quality of cancer care throughout the EU Network.

ACC has been designated by the Italian Ministry of Health as the competent authority for Italy and has the responsibility to lead work package 5. Working in concert with the other seven WPs, WP5’s main objective is to put forward a framework for the creation and operation of the new EU Network of CCCs by defining the requirements to access the Network, its structure, governance, functioning and monitoring.

Role of ACC:

ACC is the leader of WP5



Project coordinator

Paolo De Paoli

The scientific coordinator Paolo De Paoli is the WP5 Leader and Director of Alliance Against Cancer.