Join us for the 9th Annual Meeting of the Alliance Against Cancer

Join us for the 9th Annual Meeting of the Alliance Against Cancer, Italy’s largest cancer research network, from November 28-30, 2024, at the Centro Internazionale Loris Malaguzzi in Reggio Emilia. This event will showcase groundbreaking advances in cancer research, including new strategies and technologies shaping the future of oncology.

Curious about why participating matters? Tune in to our podcast for an insightful discussion on the significance of this meeting and how it can drive impactful collaborations in the fight against cancer. Don’t miss out!

👉 Scientific Program

Oncogenomica per i professionisti sanitari, corso a distanza organizzato da ISS

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Oncologia di precisione: il contributo di ACC al Planetary Health Festival

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Al via “Make Sense Campaign”, patrocinio di Alleanza Contro il Cancro

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Alleanza Contro il Cancro ricerca figure per il progetto europeo EUnetCCC

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Annual Meeting ACC, 220 gli abstracts sottomessi

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Annual Meeting ACC, seconda (e ultima) proroga per sottomettere gli abstracts: 9/8

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Annual Meeting ACC, prorogata al 31/7 la deadline per sottomettere gli abstracts

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IDEA4RC, iscriviti alla Community of Interest creata da ACC e DigiCore

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Corso di formazione (online) “THINK HADROM: Discovering Hadrontherapy within Multidisciplinarity”, patrocinio ACC

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