Un ‘oncochip’ per sconfiggere il cancro

The new ACC website is now online

ROME, 15 March 2017 – Alleanza Contro il Cancro-ACC (Alliance Against Cancer) launched its new website, now online at www.alleanzacontroilcancro.it. ACC is the largest Italian organization for cancer research, established by the Italian Ministry of Health as a network of six high standard institutes for comprehensive cancer patient care and research (IRCCS). The President of ACC, Professor Ruggero De Maria, heads the Alliance that comprises 24 Member organizations, among which is the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS), the Italian National Institute of Health, where ACC has its offices.

The new website, now available in both Italian and English, uses responsive web design that ensures usability across all devices (smart phone, tablet etc.)

The primary aims of ACC are to promote the network among cancer centres, to foster translational research projects in Italy and abroad and to support ACC Genomics, a fundamental part of the organization, in its task to sequence a significantly higher number of genes than is possible today, without any increase in costs- reimbursements from the Italian National Health Service (SSN).

Alleanza Contro il Cancro is also on Twitter: @AlleConCancro

International Post-Doc Fellowship Program

ACC Working Groups – Kickoff meeting